in touch
Electronic Cargo Tracking Note
The Republic of Burundi is a landlocked country in the Great Rift Valley where the African Great Lakes region and East Africa converge. It is bordered by RWANDA to the North, TANZANIA to the East and Southeast, and the DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO to the West.
In 2014, the Ministry of Finance of Burundi declared that all sea cargo arriving in their country requires a Cargo Tracking Note (CTN).
Some shipping lines may not load cargo without the CTN number.
Documents and Informations required
- Bill of Lading (Draft B/L is allowed)
- Commercial invoice: currency must be mentioned in $ or €.
- Freight invoice in the same currency (not needed in case the freight charges are mentioned on the commercial invoice)
- Export Customs declaration
Additional information
- Once the draft ECTN document is approved, we can submit the ECTN document for pre-validation to get the ECTN number. This number can be transmitted to the shipping line in order to obtain the required BL number.
- For validation of the Burundi ECTN document we need the final B/L.
- A pre-validated ECTN document must be completed and validated within 5 working days. If not, the Burundi ECTN will be cancelled. All costs concerning will be charged to the applicant’s account.
- At the Port of delivery, the validation process will take 3-5 days from initial request.
- Submit the required documents online or by email.
- You will be sent a draft and an invoice, typically within the same day.
- Once your payment has been received and you have approved the draft, the ECTN validation will be sent.
- The ECTN must be validated before the vessel arrives at destination. No regularization at port of destination.
- The process can typically be done within 24 hours after receipt of payment.
- Goods arriving at the port of destination without valid ECTN can be subject to penalties and fines..