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What is CNCA?

CNCA stands for Conselho Nacional de Carregadores de Angola. It is a loading certificate or a waiver and every shipment that has Angola as their final destination must obtain this certificate. It is mandatory for every port in Angola. Such as Luanda, Lobito, etc. This certificate provides the authorities with the necessary information to track, manage, and supervise the shipments from loading to discharge. It also gives information about shipments even before they arrive. It contains details about the exporter, the importer, the goods that are getting transported, the vessel name, etc.

What are the required documents?

  • Bill of Lading: It contains details about the exporter, the importer, the weight of the goods, the shipping line, the vessel name, etc.
  • Commercial Invoice: It contains the details of the goods, the freight cost, the incoterm, and some other charges if there is any, etc..
  • Freight Invoice: This is only a requirement if the freight cost is not on the Commercial Invoice.
  • Documento Unico: This document is an Import License in Angola. It is also known as DU. When applying for a CNCA, DU’s expiry date has to be valid. It is generally 60 days from the date of DU issuance.

What are the penalties of not having the CNCA?

The CNCA must be validated five days before the arrival of the shipment, at the latest. If the waiver isn’t validated or you don’t have it at all, you will face a fine up to $5000 and twice the amount of the CNCA cost. Angola authorities ask for the hard copy of this certificate. But due to Covid-19, a soft copy is also accepted at the moment.